Approximately 180 voting members make up the core membership of Technology Ski Lodge. Some of these members have held membership since the Club was originally formed (see History).
Full, voting memberships are obtained by involvement and contribution to the Club. The involvement can be attendance at work parties, attendance at social functions and familiarisation with the club members. Ultimately the Board can accept or reject an application for membership, but active, involved people obviously get preference.

Membership Services
The following services are provided for those enquiring about membership and for existing members:
- Annual Subscriptions
- Receiving the Club Newsletter - Tidings
- Change of Address on the Club's Mailing List
- Request for Attendance at Work Party
- Booking Form for accommodation.
How To Join

Full, voting membership is currently fully subscribed, however occasionally memberships become available. There is a form for "Interest in Club Membership" available to join the Club. Information about membership can be obtained from the Secretary. The voting membership of the Club forms the 'core' of the club's viability and success. People who may be friends or family of members and are invited to stay at Technology Lodge are termed 'associate members'. Associate members are encouraged to stay at the lodge and be involved in its maintenance and operation. Associate members form the main group of candidates for becoming new voting members of the Club.
Occasionally social events and work parties are held. In particular, the Work Parties are an economical means for the Club to maintain the Lodge at Perisher Valley while keeping costs under control. Members who attend these Work Parties do so voluntarily but contribute enormously to the cost of running the Club by the supply of their labour.
Annual Subscriptions
The Annual Subscription to be a member or associate of Technology Ski Club vary from year to year. Invoicing for the Annual Subscription is advised by the Treasurer to all members following the annual rate being adopted at the Annual General Meeting held in March each year. Subscriptions are requested to be paid as quickly as possible and returned to the Treasurer promptly.
Change of Mailing Address
For correct mailing of club correspondence including Tidings, subscriptions and notices, it is important that the Club maintains accurate information about its members. Please log into the database to update your email or physical address. Alternatively, see link on Bookings Page here.