Technology Ski Lodge - Perisher Valley

Technology Ski Lodge - Perisher Valley
About Technology Ski Club
Technology Ski Club is a co-operative club governed by an elected Board of Directors and complying with the rules and regulations of the Co-Operative Societies of New South Wales. The club maintains a ski lodge at Perisher Valley, NSW for use by its members and has a long history related to Australian snow skiing and the promotion of the sport.
Approximately 175 voting Members exist within the Club however Associate Members, by using the Lodge and participating in Club functions and social meetings may become members. Club meetings are held monthly in Sydney and usually on the first Friday of each calendar month. The Annual General Meeting is held in March annually.

Technology Ski Club is a modern ski lodge with facilities unlike virtually all those presently existing in Perisher Valley. The lodge was architecturally designed with the most modern features in mind so you may enjoy your holiday in the Snowy Mountains (winter or summer). The lodge is self catering with a large range of supplied commodities and staples provided free of charge.
Accommodation bookings to stay at Technology Ski Lodge require pre-booking. Voting members have a preferential booking period that opens two weeks prior the Annual General Meeting (usually in March each year). Following this, bookings are open to both members and their friends or associate members. Bookings are managed by an online system from the Bookings page.
Technology Ski Club is located in Perisher Valley in New South Wales. Perisher Valley is in the Snowy Mountains and takes about 6 hours by car to travel from Sydney (2.5 hours from Canberra). The highway is excellent and allows fast, comfortable car travel. The club lodge is at 1800 metres above sea level and is the highest non-commercial lodge in Australia.